So, on a recent trip to Disney World last April I discovered a new collection Disney has created to rob my future children of a college fund. They are called vinylmations and are all created in teh iconic image of Mickey Mouse. Each one is designed by an artist (whose autograph is on the bottom of the foot) and packaged in sets. When you purchase a vinylmation, they are grouped according to set, however, each figure is in a black box and you have no idea which vinylmation you are getting. One might say, but why, oh but there is the excitement. Opening the box and ripping into the foil pouch which holds your new piece of art is a thrill. No comments please, Nikki knows she is married to a nerd and she loves me anyway. If you do get a duplicate, there are certain stores through out the Disney parks where you can go to a clear glass case and trade for another that you don't have in your collection. They are sold only in the Disney parks and online. There is an official
Vinylmation website where you can view the different collections and make purchases say, if anyone you might know is a collector and you would like to buy them a gift for a brithday, Christmas or (cough, cough) just because they mean so much to your life and you would like to express it in a piece of Mickey shaped plastic. I may seem crazy, but if you go on line you can find people who are much more seriously "touched" by the vinylmation movement. I just think it is fun. At least my drug of choice is only Dr. Pepper and Disney- I don't think I will show up in the arrest section of the newpaper for that crime. So far, my numbers are small and the little pals are displayed on a shelf in my office... As seen below.

The other cool thing about Vinylmations is they come completely blank white and you can create your own. There is an entire store in Downtown Disney called
D-Street where you can buy Vinylmations or design your own at a large drawing table. I spent a lot of time in there last visit. There are some one of a kind creations on display done by comissioned artists which are great fun to look at as well. After finding the blank canvas Mickeys, I decided to start a show tradition of creating a Vinylmation for each show we do at the theatre. If I am in the show, I will re-create the character I played or get all artsy and design a representation of the show. Amazingly enough the creation of those little guys is great therapy. After the stress of a show, it is great to finish it off and close it out by having a little personal creativity time. They are tiny (about 3 inches tall) and extremely intricate to paint, but I enjoy every minute of it. Below are my first two.

Pharoah from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Complete with blue lips, glittering eye lids,jeweled rings and sequin shoes.

The Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Although you can't see it in the photo, the cape he is wearing was made from a scrap of the fabric that the actual costume was made of nad his horns were carved from a chunk of styrofoam left over from the set.
So may say I am silly, come to think of it, I've heard that all of my life and really and truly, I am. But oh well, I am a happy silly.
You are so amazing!
I love the creativity! Everyone should have a collection of some kind.
wow..can't wait to see jand h
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