Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Going and Going and Going...

The painting of the snow backdrop began today. The costumes are, for the most part, roughly made- no hems or decorations. The set is in pieces waiting to be created, painted and assembled. I am tired and hungry. It's the time of a show where we should be scrambling to do things, but with the refurbishment of the FAB, we can't. All we can do is sit and wait and prepare. If we make appropriate preperations, we should be fine for the load in Friday after next. We get about ten hours to do what we would normally do in two weeks. Alas, we can accomplish! We also only get one tech rehearsal and one dress rehearsal. On top of all of that, I still need to memorize my songs. The show is still getting trimmed- last night we did a great deal of trimming and I think the audience will appreciate us for it. Not that the numbers we lost were bad, something had to go in order to create a tighter show with a good pace. We also did quite a bit of dancing- new dancing, which I hope we will remember tonight. Act two is fine length wise, we just need to clean it up a bit. We have reached that point in rehearsal where we get no time off. We do get this coming Saturday but that is it. I'm glad I like these people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there is a plus to all this. you got breakfest from me on tuesday! and it was amazing!!