Last night we began really cleaning up the numbers. There is a lot of this show left up to the performer. Some people like that, others freak out. I love being given the freedom to create my own piece. In a normal musical, that is less likely to happen. When you have one story you are working with, it is important to have a unified vision that will produce a "whole" event. When it comes to a review, especially one such as this where an actual "story" doesn't exist, but rather a series of single events, a more individual perspective can be used. We are coming along. I think people will enjoy a nice evening of good music and performance. Tickets started slow, but I was told this morning that things picked up yesterday afternoon and this morning. Cross your fingers!
By the way, I always wear pants at rehearsal. But here's an idea- if I didn't during the show, then we would already be sold out! Tons of screaming fans! If don't take time to go shopping for my show pants, that could possibly happen.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Beyond the Red Curtain
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
Lestat on Broadway

Elton John has a new musical coming to Broadway this Spring. It is Lestat, yes the one that Anne Rice writes about in her vampire chronicles. I've been following the process for several months by web sites and articles and so on since it was first announced and into the try outs in San Fransisco. To my excitement has a video diary which will carry the show from now until it opens on May. There are interviews with the stars, the director, the creative team and procucers. Go to the Lestat Video Diary, check it out and keep up with what is going on. Very interesting stuff.
If you go to the official Lestat Musical web site you can hear some of the demos of the songs. It sounds pretty good. After Aida, any musical written by Elton John I will happily listen to. He also has a musical version of Billy Elliot which is playing now in London and will come to Broadway in 2007. The music in that is very strong and emotional, but full of profanity.
Bye Bye Bat Boy
Bat Boy is done. The shows were great, the audiences were great, the actors were great. Everything you hope for. Pictures to come. Now I can't wait to start The Wiz on Monday!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Bat Boy Lives!

We had our first performance of Bat Boy this morning and it went very well. The audience was great, they "ohhed" and "ahhed" in the right places. The actors gave a wonderful performance and are excited to do it again. No matter how tired I get and how frustrated I feel, when you see the excitement the kids have when they have gotten through a show, it is all worth it. Yea, I know, that sounds cheesy.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Lots of sick people right now- no rehearsal tonight. We shall take the rest of the week to rest and get well, then come Monday, we dive head first until show time. That is the most tired I will ever be during the run of a show, but it is also the most exciting. I especially love it when we have no time to eat and must go after rehearsal- nothing like good bonding. We need to warn the waitress at Shoney's my calves are on their way!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Two days till Bat Boy and things are looking good. As of this past Saturday, I had no costumes, no set, no props. As of this morning, I lack only a few things that can be taken care of in only about an hour (we hope). We are cranking these shows out like a well oiled machine, thanks to all the little elves that come out at night while everyone else is asleep.
Night rehearsals are coming along. When Bat Boy is finished on Thursday, I am going to take a break for the weekend and then dive head first to the dinner show on Monday. This show has great potential to be very good and lots of fun, we just have to get everything on its feet, cleaned up and fill it with energy. Yea, that's all. The group is finally going to understand how all these pieces fit together. I know they think I'm crazy, but it will work.
Night rehearsals are coming along. When Bat Boy is finished on Thursday, I am going to take a break for the weekend and then dive head first to the dinner show on Monday. This show has great potential to be very good and lots of fun, we just have to get everything on its feet, cleaned up and fill it with energy. Yea, that's all. The group is finally going to understand how all these pieces fit together. I know they think I'm crazy, but it will work.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Happy Days
A new musical version of the TV comedy Happy Days is being produced in Los Angeles by the show's creator, Garry Marshall. Playing Fonzie in the stage version, which began performances on February 15 at the Falcon Theatre, is former New Kids on the Block vocalist Joey McIntyre. Broadway veteran Ernie Sabella (and voice of Pumba in the Lion King movie) is playing Arnold.
Shakespeare is turning over in his grave.
Shakespeare is turning over in his grave.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Les Mis Returns to Broadway!

One of my top three favorite musicals is returning to Broadway this fall (only for a limited run)! This is the first show I ever saw in its original theatre. How exciting is that! Read the article on
We're Not Gonna Pay RENT
Saw Rent last night for the third time. It was a very strong show. It is one of those shows you can see many times because the actors playing the characters all create such a different experience. There was a woman there really happy to be seeing that show. She "whhoooppped" everytime someone did something she liked... like walk out on stage. The girl play Joanne and the guy playing Collins had voices that would blow the roof off of the building. Fun time, good show.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
The New Fad at Middle School

There is a new Disney Chanel movie that almost every kid in the middle school (at least those that will admit it) has been getting into. It is called High School Musical and is about the drama and dramatics involved in auditoning for the big musical at school and the question of will it make me uncool to all the cool kids. There is one girl named Sharpay (I guess that is how you spell it) who is a major control freak... I don't know anyone else like that? She and her brother (who is the best chracter in the movie who wears a bunch of funky hats) dominate the drama department and tries to destroy anyone who gets in their way of the leading roles. For the most part, it is a cheesy as cheesy gets, but at the same time it is too much fun. The songs aren't that great, but they get stuck in your head. Especially the "Getcha' Head in the Game" song. The choreography is great and the kids in the movie can really dance. The drama teacher refers to the show as the "musi-cale" (rhyming with gal). That gets a little annoying. Check it out and have some innocent fun. Look at the official High School Musical website to find a show time.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Ah me! For aught that ever I could read, that could ever hear by tale or history, the course of true love never did run smooth...
A Midsummer Night's Dream ACT I, SCENE I
A Midsummer Night's Dream ACT I, SCENE I
Just a Bitty Bite
You Can't Stop the Beat!
Monday, February 13, 2006
My Favorite
"And some have compassion, making a difference." Jude 1:22
Thanks, my quiet friend. Heaven smiles on you and your family today.
Thanks, my quiet friend. Heaven smiles on you and your family today.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Old School
I went to The Tempest Friday night in Hoey Auditorium at WCU. I got very nostalgic because that is the very stage I have stepped on many, many times. I know it sounds crazy, but at 7:25 I start to get that nervous twinge of excitement in my stomach while sitting in the audience there. It's like I am being called to places too. When I think back at the laughs I have had in that building, I smile... big. It was an ok show. The costumes were wonderful and amazing. The sound was crazy. It just wasn't good. Not so much the speaking roles (my favorite was a pirate that came on in the last five minutes), but the back ground music and recorded voices were muffled and unclear. It wasn't good to listen to. Even if the show wasn't the greatest, the night as a whole was very fun and sweetly pleasant. And I got hot tea! Perfect.
I'm not really a fan of snow. I used to be, but it now seems to slow me down. I wouldn't mind if July weather stuck around all year. When doing shows, you get on a specific time line and snow seems to throw that time line out of whack. I have a high school show one week from Thursday. We have the entire thing blocked, but we need to do major clean-up. We had a delay last week and a missed day. The way the weather is looking we may have another delay or no school at all tomorrow. An hour in a half may seem like a small amount of time, but whn it comes to getting a show up, an hour and a half is amazingly precious! We now have less than a month before the dinner theatre. I know each of them are seasoned enough to carry their solos, but we still need to stage them and finish up some major choreography. All in all, the snow just makes me get nervous.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Uptown Girls
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Confessions of a Rehearsal Junkie
I am a rehearsal junkie. I love everything about it. I like creating, laughing with the people there, having the perfect idea hit you in that very instance that would have never happend if you had not been in that particular moment. I even like it when we have a very unproductive night. Yea, I've found my passion.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Music Running Through My Head
"I got the sun in the morning and the moon at night..." That song is stuck in my head. Hmmm, must be a sign.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Gotta Dance!
I found out this morning that there will be an adult tap dance course offered in the evenings. I think I'm gonna do it... for cardiovascular benefits. Do you remember that episode of the Cosby Show where he and a little elderly man had a tap off? At the end of each of their turns the other would yell, "Challenge!" I just want to be able to do that.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
It Is Time
I am ready to get the dinner show on its way. I have the inspiration, the drive and that thrill in the pit of my stomach. I remember why I do this.
May He RIP
Hello, Wake up World!
Do you ever really stop to think how unbelievably fragile life is? Of course we all say, "yea, sure, ok" and maybe we really do, but only for a few minutes. By the time dinner is served we've forgotten all about it and move on. We all seem to be going and going and going all the time. Where the heck are we going? For the past couple of weeks, a few things have really made me stop and go, "whoa, buddy slow down." Sickness as well as joyful things. Thursday, I realized how fast life was going just by a simple everyday occurance- but it really shook me. Travel the world- great! Make lots of money- great! Honesty, humility, compassion and love in a heart created by God- that's where a true treasure comes from and how a true life is lived.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Mark Your Calendars!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Survivor 12

Tonight another saga begins. I'd do good on that show if it wasn't for the no food, no showers, no tooth brushes, no trust and having to sleep on the ground. If they ever do Survivor: Holiday Inn- I'm set! Survivor 12 web site
I'm very tired today. I think rehearsing two shows during the day and one at night while doing pre-production "stuff" for Beauty and the Beast has gotten me. Yes, there are moments of questioning where you think, "why?" But then I read an article this morning that gives me a boost. This past year has been a struggle keeping everything juggled and in order and my sanity intact. Emotions are a tricky thing. But I think I'm getting my second wind. I have so many blessings and opportunities. I saw another woman this morning who said she couldn't wait for the next show. I am excited about the journey this year is going to bring. I love what I do, that is something most people can't say- it's a priority to me, but I'm at a place where I'm not obsesive- I'm determined to do my best, but not obsessed. I've realized there is a difference. I feel like God has given me abilities and put me in a place where I can express those gifts to make people happy and enjoy life, if only it is an escape for a couple of hours. I want to make Him proud, my family proud, myself proud (but not in an egotistical kind of way) and the people I'm working with proud. My ambition in life is not huge amounts of money or fame, but to be one of the people who made a difference in the world. My hope is to leave the world a little better having been there.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Why do we do what we do?
I just read an article that asks, "How do you know when you've found something you are passionate about?" If you answer "yes" to most of these questions, you're probably on the verge to finding it.
- Do you lose track of time doing this activity?
- Do you get excited just thinking about it?
- Do you feel energized by it?
- Do you dream about it?
- Do you lose self consciousness doing it?
- Do you perform beyond your usual abilities when engaged in it?
- Has your enthusiasm remained high over a period of time?
- Do you seek out people who share this interest?
Hmmm, sound familiar show people? But I guess these attributes could also describe a drug dealer.
Sammy Boy
Am I Crazy?!?!
We began a show at the high school this morning which will be performed three weeks from tomorrow- a week and a half before the dinner theatre. Am I crazy? Don't answer that, I already know...
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