Thursday, February 02, 2006


I'm very tired today. I think rehearsing two shows during the day and one at night while doing pre-production "stuff" for Beauty and the Beast has gotten me. Yes, there are moments of questioning where you think, "why?" But then I read an article this morning that gives me a boost. This past year has been a struggle keeping everything juggled and in order and my sanity intact. Emotions are a tricky thing. But I think I'm getting my second wind. I have so many blessings and opportunities. I saw another woman this morning who said she couldn't wait for the next show. I am excited about the journey this year is going to bring. I love what I do, that is something most people can't say- it's a priority to me, but I'm at a place where I'm not obsesive- I'm determined to do my best, but not obsessed. I've realized there is a difference. I feel like God has given me abilities and put me in a place where I can express those gifts to make people happy and enjoy life, if only it is an escape for a couple of hours. I want to make Him proud, my family proud, myself proud (but not in an egotistical kind of way) and the people I'm working with proud. My ambition in life is not huge amounts of money or fame, but to be one of the people who made a difference in the world. My hope is to leave the world a little better having been there.

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