Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hello, Wake up World!

Do you ever really stop to think how unbelievably fragile life is? Of course we all say, "yea, sure, ok" and maybe we really do, but only for a few minutes. By the time dinner is served we've forgotten all about it and move on. We all seem to be going and going and going all the time. Where the heck are we going? For the past couple of weeks, a few things have really made me stop and go, "whoa, buddy slow down." Sickness as well as joyful things. Thursday, I realized how fast life was going just by a simple everyday occurance- but it really shook me. Travel the world- great! Make lots of money- great! Honesty, humility, compassion and love in a heart created by God- that's where a true treasure comes from and how a true life is lived.

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