Saturday, April 08, 2006

New Brain

For all of you that were so worried (ha!), my brain is much better today. All I needed was a night of rest and relaxation... and pizza. I think the biggest thing this time of year is the fact we have been going and going like crazy at school. Spring break, are you almost here?!?! Those creative rutts happen every so often, just as long as that don't last for a good while.

With all this talk of the new Elton John musical Lestat opening at the end of this month, I decided to watch Interview with a Vampire last night. Believe it or not, I had never seen it. It was weird but at the same time I can see how that story could be musicalized. I could only rent it in VHS- funny how we get spoiled by something as simple as the great picture and sound a DVD has to offer.

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